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Ways to Make Friends as a Senior Citizen

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A senior woman and her friends blowing streamers with cupcakes celebrating her 80th birthday in assisted living.

Making new friends can be one of the most rewarding things at any age, but for many seniors, it can also be challenging. Whether you live in assisted living, at home with family, or on your own, social interaction are crucial for mental and emotional health. So how can seniors make new friends?

5 ways to make friends as a senior citizen include:

  1. Getting out and about
  2. Joining a club
  3. Taking a class
  4. Finding a fitness group
  5. Trying assisted living

1. Get Out & About

Sometimes, we all fall into a routine. We do the same things every day and go to the same places. However, this can be detrimental when trying to make new friends—especially if your routine means you never get the chance to speak to anyone new. 

It can be as simple as getting out of the house and taking a trip around the neighborhood. You don’t need to start exploring every nook and cranny of your area; instead, why not recommend:

  • Taking a walk with a new route
  • Frequenting local restaurants or coffee shops
  • Checking out your nearby community center
  • Attending community events
  • Visiting the library

These are perfect places to strike up a conversation. You can also take a look at local bulletin boards—both in-person and online—to see if there are any attractions that match your interests. Getting out and about can make a significant difference, and you never know what you might find!

2. Joining a Club

One of the easiest ways to meet like-minded people is by joining a club. Whether you’re interested in reading, gardening, knitting, or painting, there’s likely a club in your area. This isn’t just a way to enjoy practicing your  favorite hobbies; clubs offer an easy way to meet people who already share some interests with you.

Take some time and try to identify what you’re passionate about. Ask yourself:

  • What hobbies make you happy?
  • Are there any new skills you’ve always wanted to learn?
  • Are you willing to try something new?

Once you’ve pinpointed your interests, do a little research! Local community boards and online platforms can help you discover clubs that align with your passions. Joining a club is like opening the door to a treasure trove of possibilities—it’s a fun and enriching way to meet new friends.

3. Taking a Class

Lifelong learning isn’t just good for the brain. It’s an excellent way to meet new people in an environment that fosters community, respect, and education. Many colleges, community centers, and local organizations offer classes for seniors on a variety of topics.

So why not reach out to a nearby education center? You can learn more about:

  • Art
  • Photography
  • Cooking or baking
  • Gardening
  • Writing
  • History

The topics are endless, and they give you a fantastic opportunity to connect with people who share an interest with you. Meanwhile, you will be able to expand your knowledge on something you enjoy while spending time with others! It’s an excellent way to bond with new friends.

4. Finding a Fitness Group

Staying physically healthy is essential for people of any age. For seniors, the loss of muscle mass, bone strength, and flexibility is a common occurrence—but physical exercise can make a big difference.

You might be able to make new friends and find new ways to get up and get moving. Try and keep an eye out for group exercise classes designed for seniors, such as:

  • Yoga classes
  • Water aerobics
  • Walking clubs
  • Dance classes
  • Tai Chi
  • Cycling groups

Joining a fitness group can help you stay in shape while opening the door to new friendships. If you prefer competition, sports can be just as helpful; games like pickleball or badminton offer a way to stretch and enjoy the sunlight while competing against others.

5. Trying Assisted Living for Social Connection

Sometimes, one of the easiest ways to meet new friends is by trying out a new living situation—like making a move to assisted living.

2 senior women drinking coffee and playing a friendly game of chess.

Assisted living isn’t just about finding a new home where caregiving is easily accessible. These communities aim to improve their residents’ quality of life however possible. To do so, there are plenty of on-site services and experiences designed to make every day unique. Assisted living offers activities such as:

  • Fitness programs
  • Classes
  • Therapy groups
  • Fun events
  • Social hours

There are plenty of incredible ways to make new friends in assisted living. Meanwhile, it’s a way for you and your family to gain peace of mind knowing that your needs are well taken care of.

Friendship Is Just Around the Corner

Assisted living offers a place where you can be supported every day. No matter your interests and passions, our community at Inspired Living is here to make you feel loved, valued, and respected as the unique individual you are. Contact our team today to find your future home—your new friends are just around the corner!

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With Inspired Living, our approach is about nurturing a vibrant community where healthy connections between mind, body, and spirit flourish.

Embrace a lifestyle where health is prioritized and supported by programs that adapt as needs evolve. Join us at Inspired Living and discover how we make every aspect of well-being a priority—because we believe in enriching lives, 1 resident at a time.

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