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Checklist for Moving a Parent to Assisted Living

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A senior man smiling while sitting on the floor in front of moving boxes.

For many seniors, a move to assisted living can be extremely rewarding. It’s the first step in a new chapter of their lives and can be an incredibly beneficial choice. However, an unprepared move at any point can be overwhelming, so it’s crucial to create a proper plan to help your parent transition to their new life.

When moving a parent to assisted living, make sure to:

  • Plan ahead
  • Pack early
  • Start downsizing
  • Be practical
  • Remember the paperwork
  • Get professional help

And once you’re done, all that’s left is to remember to visit!

1. Plan Ahead

Planning ahead is one of the simplest ways to ensure a smooth move, but it’s also often overlooked. When your parent needs assisted living, make sure you’re both ready.

Start by researching nearby communities to find a place that suits your parent’s needs and preferences. Think about:

  • Location
  • On-site amenities
  • Staff qualifications
  • Resident reviews

Senior living communities allow you to schedule a tour ahead of time to see the environment for yourself. You can get a feel for the atmosphere to determine whether or not it’s a suitable choice for your parent.

Then, make sure to get a floor plan of the potential homes so you can plan out the move. For example, if your parent’s future home is furnished, there’s no need to pack furniture. If utilities are included, you don’t need to transfer over any existing service.

Having a well-thought-out plan can significantly reduce last-minute stress while making the process much smoother. It’s never too early to start planning!

2. Pack Early

Packing early is essential to avoid the last-minute rush. Start by gathering supplies like boxes, markers, tape, and bubble wrap.

It helps to start with downsizing to get rid of anything that won’t be needed in their new home. Try to work room by room and sort things into 4 different piles:

  • Keep
  • Sell
  • Discard
  • Donate

Go through every item and assign it to one of these piles. While your decisions don’t have to be final, this can help you get an understanding of what’s going to be coming along to your parent’s new home—and what’s going to be given away, sold, or trashed.

Then, start packing the things rarely used. If your parent doesn’t need something in their everyday life, it should be packed. Try to create a list of absolutely must-have items for the first few days after the move—like medication, toiletries, clothes, and dishes—and clearly label where they go. This can help make these items accessible upon arrival.

Involve family members in the packing process to make it more efficient and less stressful. Delegate tasks like sorting, packing, and labeling to spread the workload. This collaboration can make the packing process much quicker for everyone involved.

3. Be Practical

Moving doesn’t have to be stressful. When you’re working through your parent’s home, make sure you’re being practical. Create a realistic moving budget that accounts for:

  • Packing supplies
  • Transportation costs
  • Storage
  • Any additional services required

This can prevent any unwanted financial surprises and makes the move itself significantly easier. When you’re packing, make sure you’re ready for unexpected challenges. Have a backup plan ready—sometimes things can go wrong, but there’s no need to let this derail the plan.

Make sure your parent isn’t holding onto anything unnecessary. There’s a difference between sentiment and hoarding; try and gently remind them that space may be limited and it’s okay to let some things go. By taking a practical approach, you can avoid moving anything unnecessary and keep things simple.

4. Remember the Paperwork

Remember: when moving, physical objects aren’t everything. Gather any and all important documents, including:

  • Medical records
  • Financial information
  • Legal papers
  • Insurance information
  • Utilities and account information

Make sure these documents are up-to-date, then put these all in a safe and secure spot so they’re easy to access when needed.

Update the addresses and account information if required. Banks, insurance companies, and healthcare providers will likely require an up-to-date address for any services, so make sure you’re on top of this information. This means your parent will still receive any important mail and services without interruption.

5. Get Professional Help

Moving can be extremely stressful, time-consuming, and physically challenging—but it doesn’t have to be. If it’s within your budget, a team of professional movers can make all the difference in the world.

Research moving companies in your area, and try to choose one that specializes in senior relocations. Make sure you’re checking reviews and reaching out to family and friends for recommendations—a reliable moving company can help make this move much easier for everybody involved.

Professional movers can handle the lifting, transportation, and unpacking, allowing you to focus on helping your parent transition into their new home. This can do wonders for reducing stress and making sure that things go smoothly on moving day!

A senior couple smiling while looking out the window of their new home in assisted living.

6. Remember to Visit!

At the end of the move, all that’s left is to visit your parent in their new home. Your presence can make a big difference during this transition, and you’ll be able to see for yourself what things will be like for them now!

Here at Inspired Living, we know that a move to assisted living can be a stressful time. But with a proper plan, you can make a significant difference—and we’re here to help. Contact our team today to find your parent’s future home!

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