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A senior woman and her friends blowing streamers with cupcakes celebrating her 80th birthday in assisted living.

Ways to Make Friends as a Senior Citizen

Making new friends can be one of the most rewarding things at any age, but for many seniors, it can also be challenging. Whether you live in assisted living, at home with family, or on your own, social interaction are crucial for mental and emotional health. So how can seniors make new friends? 5 ways…
An older adult in a witch's hat happily prepares for a Halloween party with their grandchildren.

Simple Halloween Costume Ideas for Seniors

Halloween is a season full of joy, laughter, and a touch of the eerie. And its allure extends to all ages! The season invites all of us to enjoy the creepy festivities. For adults, trick-or-treating can provide meaningful moments that bring us together. It’s a tradition about giving, sharing laughter, creating connections, and building a…

Health & Wellness

Our health and wellness programs embody our commitment to supporting the holistic well-being of every resident. 

With Inspired Living, our approach is about nurturing a vibrant community where healthy connections between mind, body, and spirit flourish.

Embrace a lifestyle where health is prioritized and supported by programs that adapt as needs evolve. Join us at Inspired Living and discover how we make every aspect of well-being a priority—because we believe in enriching lives, 1 resident at a time.

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