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How Does Mental Health Affect Seniors?

Getting older doesn’t just mean more wrinkles and achy joints. Our minds change, too. And these mental shifts affect everything from our moods to our cognition. Senior mental health issues are widespread. Over 20% of adults aged 60 and older suffer from some form of mental disorder. So, in this guide, we’ll break down the…

Celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness for Seniors This October

Breast cancer is the second-most common form of cancer in women. While this terrible form of cancer can affect women of all ages, it’s especially prevalent in seniors. However, with increased awareness and fundraising, we can fight this disease while raising money to find a permanent cure. That’s why this October Inspired Living is helping to raise…

Health & Wellness

Our health and wellness programs embody our commitment to supporting the holistic well-being of every resident. 

With Inspired Living, our approach is about nurturing a vibrant community where healthy connections between mind, body, and spirit flourish.

Embrace a lifestyle where health is prioritized and supported by programs that adapt as needs evolve. Join us at Inspired Living and discover how we make every aspect of well-being a priority—because we believe in enriching lives, 1 resident at a time.

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