rebecca wheeler 1 vzv4ru

Welcoming Rebecca Wheeler as Validus Senior Living’s Chief Growth Officer

[Jan. 23, 2019: Tampa, FL] – Validus Senior Living is excited to announce its newest team leader, Rebecca Wheeler. Wheeler has accepted the Chief Growth Officer ...
8 microwave and toaster oven recipes lilg5e

8 Easy Recipes for Microwave & Toaster Oven

Did you know that a microwave and toaster oven can be just as universal as an actual oven? Plus, it’s easier to clean! No more ...
tips for dementia day trips wyd14l

Tips for Dementia Day Trips

Traveling with seniors who have dementia, like Alzheimer’s, can be a daunting thought. ‘How will I manage the outing?’ ‘What are the best places to ...
differences between a gazebo a pergola and a porch glffz8

Differences Between a Gazebo, Pergola, and Porch

Here at Inspired Living, outdoor living is truly a way of life. That’s why we’ve equipped each community with beautiful, functional outdoor living spaces with ...